
Department of Science and Technology: The Department of Science and Technology (DST) through National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), will constitute a Project Management Committee (PMC) for the overall management of the programme.

Programme Implementation Partner (PIP): The programme will be implemented through a Programme Implementation Partner. DST has identified Entrepreneurship Development Center (Venture Center), CSIR-NCL Campus, Pune as the nodal agency and Programme Implementation Partner. The role of PIP will be that of implementing the programme as per the guidelines of DST.

Responsibilities of the Programme Implementation Partner (PIP):
  • PIP shall be responsible for overall management of the programme.
  • PIP shall invite proposals from qualifying incubators, organise an evaluation process via Program Management Committee (PMC).
  • The PMC shall be constituted by NSTEDB, with a mandate for selection of the incubators as well as the periodical review of the progress of the programme and suggest mid- course corrections, if required.
  • PIP shall submit minutes of the PMC, progress reports and annual utilisation certificates to NSTEDB in a timely manner.
  • PIP shall also be responsible for tracking the programme and maintaining data on the programme via an online portal.
  • PIP shall also be responsible for tracking the programme and maintaining data on the programme via an online portal.

Programme Executing Partner (PEP): The programme shall be executed at selected Technology Business Incubator (NIDHI-TBI). These incubators shall be approved by NSTEDB to serve as centres operating the NSTEDB's EIR programmme. For current eligible Programme Executing Partners click here.

Responsibilities of the Programme Executing Partner (PEP):
  • PEP shall operate the program to increase their pipeline of young entrepreneurs pursuing technology idea.
  • PEP will follow an appropriate mechanism to select the NIDHI-EIRs
  • PEP will periodically review the progress or NIDHI-EIRs.
  • PEP may terminate the support to non-performing NIDHI-EIRs even before completion of 12 months with intimation to PIP/NSTEDB.
  • PEP should submit periodical report, annual Utilization Certificates to PIP/NSTEDB as may be required.
  • PEP will maintain the latest data on the status of the program on the portal as per the instruction provided by the PIP/NSTEDB.
  • Supported by

  • Program Execution Partners

  • National Get together of EIR family Aug 2020

Tracking tools
